Music on Hold

Music on hold can be in WAV or MP3 format. To play an MP3 file you must have mod_shout enabled on the ‘Modules’ tab. You can adjust the volume of the MP3 audio from the ‘Settings’ tab. For best performance upload 16 bit, 8/16/32/48 kHz mono WAV files.

  • Click the edit pencil on the right to customize music on hold options. This can be done on each kHz group.

When a new music on hold category mod_local_stream will be restarted. If it is busy then it will not restart automatically. A manual restart of the module is required when it is not in use. The module can be restarted from the Menu -> Advanced -> Modules or from the console and fs_cli with following command.

reload mod_local_stream

Each music on hold category is given a name. If the domain is set to global the name will be the name in the example below the protocol that is used is local_stream and the music on hold category is default and domain is set to global.


It is possible that a domain or tenant can have its own category of music. In this example the name is ‘custom’ and the domain was assigned automatically to the current domain.
